Baby Shark Lost His Fin | Baby Shark Doo Doo | Funny Videos for Kids
Oh no, Where is my Fin? I have lost my fin. Noooooooo…..
The shark lost his fin
the shark lost his fin
Heigh Ho the Derry-o
The Shark Lost his fin.
He looks here
he looks there
Heigh ho the derry o
The shark lost his fin.
Here we are, Now let’s Find Your Fin
Is this your fin ?
is that your fin ?
Heigh ho the Derry-o
Then where is your fin?
Is that your fin ?
is this your fin ?
Heigh ho the Derry-o
Then where is your fin?
Don't be so sad
Don't be so mad
Heigh ho the Derry-o
We'll find your fin.
We’ll look here
we’ll look there
Heigh ho the Derry-o
we found your fin
The shark Found his Fin
The shark found his fin
Heigh ho the Derry-o
the shark found his fin.
#babysongs #SharkLostHisFin #BabyShark #WhereIsMyFin