Education Finance explores financing of public elementary and secondary education, and also provides the tools to apply these concepts at both the district and school level. This comprehensive textbook covers the central issues of finance that educational administrators need to know including budget planning, government funding, measures of school performance, sources of taxation, personnel issues, unions and collective bargaining, charter schools and vouchers, and infrastructure funding. Diving deeper than other school finance books, Alexander and Alexander expertly explain complex financial and economic issues such as government fund distribution and guaranteed tax base and yield models.Public school is essential to economic development, democratic government, and the development of good citizens. School administrators need to understand the reasoning and rational behind education financing in order to advances these goals. "Education Finance" moves beyond just the nuts-and-bolts to explore the historical, political, and legal contexts of school finance, as well as to provide international perspectives. This book is a critical resource for today s aspiring administrators who aim to provide responsible stewardship for their students.Special Features:"Focus Questions" and "Review and Practice Exercises" help make theory to practice connections"Definitional Boxes" and "Key Concepts" throughout enhance understanding of difficult conceptsLegal and historical issues frame each chapter, providing a broader context to the issues of school finance