A baboon jumps over a fence into a crowd of onlookers as it tried to escape a hungry pride of lions in South Africa.
Filmed in July at Pilanesberg Game Reserve, several lions are seen running after a warthog before turning their attention to the baboon. The monkey notices this and hops over the electric fence and scurries up a tree.
The filmer told Newsflare: "We were having breakfast in front of our chalet at the lodge and heard people saying there were lions approaching the fence of the lodge.
"The lions were actually stalking a few warthogs and then started chasing after the warthogs.
"We jumped up and ran to the fence to try and get it on video. The next moment the baboons walking along the fence of the lodge got such a scare of the approaching lions it made a big leap over the electric fence in between the onlookers from the lodge.
"Baboons are very dangerous animals and are known to kidnap small unattended babies."