- A group, "TF2 Sandbox server" gr" />
- A group, "TF2 Sandbox server" gr"/>
- A group, "TF2 Sandbox server" gr">

TF2 Gameplay - Common Scripting Sandbox, (sv_cheats server) - The Power of Scriptors DEMO

Jake Ferrison 2019-08-27

Views 13

"Sandbox" is term from Garry's mod default game mode.

- A group, "TF2 Sandbox server" group who create a new gamemode. this plugin was created by Danct12 and DaRkWoRlD
link: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TF2...

In this video, An sv_cheats server, may contains Scriptors, who can use commands and script via console. They can perform their scripts; create some astonishing effect and gameplay.

With some of skilled scriptors, He can actually brings Garry's mod like scripts and gameplay to TF2. Making TF2 sv_cheats server more creative render as Sandbox. so we called "Sandbox"

To Avoid confusion the name for "Sandbox".

TF2 Sandbox group has a Sandbox Server with "TF2 Sandbox sourcemod and plugins"
We called "TF2 Sandbox Server" or can be simply called "Sandbox"

While for the Cheats Server" simply called "sv_cheats server" or "Cheats Server".
However, Scriptor started using From Basic to Advanced Commands and Scripts in sv_cheats server;
like placing objects, move a prop, create a particles like tesla, ability to dissolve props, using for ent_create with advanced script eg. Movable Sentry consits a very tiny skeleton with a Sentry and Sentry has fuction normally and Perform script from basic to advanced script.

We called "Common Scripting Sandbox [CSSb]" "Common Scripting Server [ComScrS]" "Scripting Sandbox", "Scripting Area Server [ScrAS]", "Scripting Test Area Server [STAS]", "Common Sandbox" and "C-Sandbox"

Recorded on yesterday, ‎11 May ‎2019, ‏‎10:41 PM (Time in Bangkok)
at TF2 IP server:

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