Celebrating 100 years of making, KitchenAid India brings to you an all-new cooking series, #CookWithVickyRatnani, in collaboration with master chef @VickyRatnani, who will demonstrate the easiest ways to prepare some of the most delectable Indian delicacies using KitchenAid countertop appliances.
Here’s a quick Tropical Fruit Lassi recipe by the Master Chef Vicky Ratnani made easily with the KitchenAid 5-Speed Diamond Blender (http://bit.ly/2YUeuca).
Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 5 mins
Serves: 2
Course: Shakes/ Beverage
* Mango Cubes
* Muskmelon Chunks
* Papaya Chunks
* Ice Cubes
* Honey
* Yogurt
* Fresh Mint Leaves
* Edible Flowers