Snickers Wants to Change the Date of Halloween

Wibbitz Top Stories 2019-08-01

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Snickers Wants to Change
the Date of Halloween On July 26, Snickers, Twix, Skittles, Starburst
and M&M’s all shared a petition to change the
date of Halloween to the last Saturday of October. The five brands have a combined total of almost
1 million followers on their Twitter accounts.
The petition, which currently has over 100,000 signatures,
was created by The Halloween & Costume Association. According to the petition webpage, having an
annual Saturday Halloween would make for a
“safer, longer, stress-free celebration.” Supporters of the petition believe having
Halloween on the weekend would allow for
more adult supervision, as well as more festivities. In addition to promoting the petition, Snickers
also promised to give out 1 million Snickers
bars if the date is officially changed. Snickers, via Twitter

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