11 Tiramisu Desserts That You'll Fall In Love With
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It should be on the menu of any decent Italian restaurant – tiramisu. In fact, some people will rate restaurants on the quality of their tiramisu alone. The base of the recipe is actually quite simple, consisting of layers of ladyfingers and mascarpone cream, and refined with espresso and amaretto. But since its creation, the classic has evolved significantly, and here you have 11 of the most interesting–not to mention delicious–versions out there.
1. Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake: https://youtu.be/sEL1HYWiy0s
2. Marzipan Cherry Tiramisu: https://youtu.be/Cg7wPrLVYd0
3. Ladyfinger Roll: https://youtu.be/2syEiFtJy9k
4. Chocolate Tiramisu Log: https://www.scrumdiddlyumptious.com/tiramisu-in-a-bottle
5. Ladyfinger Cake: https://youtu.be/Fyuwrj8QpNc
6. Banana Bread Tiramisu: https://youtu.be/bpnCwTnD6V4
7. Éclair Cake: http://www.scrumdiddlyumptious.com/eclair-cake
8. Tiramisu Martini: http://www.scrumdiddlyumptious.com/tiramisu-martini
9. Strawberry & Orange Liqueur Delight: https://youtu.be/k0fdvK825vk
10. Orange Sponge Tiramisu: http://www.scrumdiddlyumptious.com/orange-sponge-tiramisu
11. Strawberry Tiramisu Cake: https://youtu.be/2McxBF8AfAQ
You're probably thinking: "How can I possibly find the perfect tiramisu dessert when there are so many to choose from?" Simple, just try them all! Now your only problem will be figuring out which recipe to try first.