LUCA' is a romantic thriller starring Tovino Thomas and Ahaana Krishna. Directed by Arun Bose, written by Mridul George & Arun Bose, Cinematography by Nimish Ravi, Edited by Nikhil Venu, Music by Sooraj S Kurup, Produced by Linto Thomas and Prince Hussain under the banner of Stories & Thoughts Productions. Muzik247 is the official music partner.
Song: Kaatum
Music Composed & Arranged : Sooraj S Kurup
Singer: Sooraj S Kurup
Lyrics : Vinayak Sasikumar
Backing vocals : Neethu Naduvathettu, Nihil Jimmy, Sai prakash
Guitars & Bass : Sandeep Mohan
Violin : Francis Xavier
Mixed & Mastered By Kiranlal @ NHQ Cochin
Recording Engineer : Binil Eldhose
Studio : NHQ Cochin