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3 Hours of Relaxing Music ❤ Massage,Study,mind focus,Relaxation,SPA

Relax Night and Day 2019-05-04

Views 173

Massage music ❤ Follow us & Like, we are steady creating new videos for "us" ❤

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Our relaxing music videos can be used as Deep Meditation Music, Music for Yoga and Pilates , Music for Massage, Spa Music, Sleep and for a lot of other applications.

❤ You are very welcome to subscribe to Relax Night and Day for more relaxation & sleeping music to play in the background while you sleep or other applications.

Video: © 2014 Relax Night and Day
Relax Night and Day Youtube Channel
"Fonts Copyright (c) 2014 Relax Night and Day. Corel Corporation und seine Lizenzgeber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten."

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Anwaltskanzlei für
IT Recht Herr Rechtsanwalt Hohenhau

Programs used: Audacity(R) Audio-Editor, Lame

Music Attribution:

Title: Inseltraeume by Electric Air Project
music © www.gemafrei-music.de
This music is being used with permission under license.

BUY CD / Download here:

Youtube Channel Musikarchiv GEMAfrei - Thomas Vietze:
Direct Link:

Musikarchiv GEMAfrei - Thomas Vietze
Goethestraße 10
D-06258 Schkopau - GERMANY
[email protected]

Bildquelle / picture:

"portrait of young beautiful woman in spa environment"
© by Ersler Dmitry at

Direct Link:

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These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded
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