도쿄서 한일국장급 협의 '강제징용•후쿠시마 수산물' 논의
Seoul's Director-General for Northeast Asian Affairs Kim Yong-kil met with his Japanese counterpart on Tuesday to discuss pending issues, including the recent dispute settlement on Seoul's ban on Japanese fishery products from regions around Fukushima.
Japanese reports say that Tokyo once again asked Seoul to allow imports of its fishery products, to which, Kim said that the safety of Koreans comes first.
They also discussed the Seoul Supreme Court's order for Japanese firms to compensate South Koreans forced to work during World War II.
Tokyo is asking Seoul to take the matter to an arbitration by a third party,... but Seoul is yet to respond.
Kim is also known to have expressed deep regrets on Japan's annual foreign policy document, known as the "Diplomatic Bluebook, which again makes false claims over South Korea's Dokdo Island.