The talk show queen married her long time girlfriend, “Arrested Development” and “Alley McBeal” beauty Portia De Rossi in an intimate ceremony in the couple's backyard in Los Angeles. Only 19 close friends were invited to the ceremony, where Ellen wore an all white pant suit ensemble with a classy vest while De Rossi looked luminous in a backless, light pink dress. And one of the big advantages of a wedding between two women is that both of their outfits were made by the same designer, red hot fashion icon Zac Posen. Ellen and Portia were able to make their relationship official after the California Supreme Court ruled that a ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional earlier this year. And you can have a similar, intimate wedding to Ellen and Portia's, whether you're a lesbian couple or a straight couple looking to get hitched. Follow the couple's lead and make your ceremony a low key affair by throwing your wedding and reception at home in your own backyard, and invite just your family and closest friends to make it a little more personal. You'll save some money and you'll share the experience with the people who mean the most to you... which is the most important part of any couple's wedding day, be they gay, straight, or anything else. I'm Harmonie Krieger for NuptialsTV.Com, wishing all your wedding fantasies come true. Distributed by Tubemogul.