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Introducing the ultimate all-in-one study guide for acing the Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Exam
This innovative new review is the most complete and effective way for test takers to prepare for the medical-surgical nursing certification exam administered through either the Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB) or the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Delivering everything test-takers need in one comprehensive study guide, the book includes review questions, case studies, clinical considerations, and a practice test. The user-friendly, time-efficient presentation conveniently summarizes and simplifies must-know, high-yield content most relevant to passing the exam.EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO EXCEL: -Content mirrors the blueprint of both the ANCC and MSNCB exams, so you know you are studying only the most high-yield, relevant material-A 150 question practice exam provides rock-solid preparation-Each carefully constructed chapter includes an overview, content, practice questions, and clinical considerations-Enhanced by the input of renowned content experts who know exactly what it takes to pass