PM Narendra Modi Producer Sandip Singh Speaks on Javed Akhtar. producer Sandip Ssingh clarified that the team has used an old song penned by the veteran lyricist in the film. Sandip said they have incorporated Akhtar’s song “Ishwar Allah” from “1947:Earth” in the biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “We have taken the songs ‘Ishwar Allah’ from the film ‘1947:Earth’ and the song ‘Suno Gaur Se Duniya Walon’ from the film ‘Dus’ in our film, thus we have given the due credits to respective lyricists Javed Sahab and Sameer Ji. @TSeries is our Music partner,” the producer posted on Twitter. Watch to know more.
#PMNarendraModi #SandipSingh #JavedAkhtar