Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday slammed government over the arrest of protesting FTII students, telling Prime Minister Narendra Modi that they are not criminals who needed to be caught in a midnight crackdown."Protesting #FTII students arrested in #midnightcrackdown.Our students are not criminals Modiji. Silence. Suspend. Arrest: ModiMantra for AcheDin", the Congress Vice President said in a tweet.Gandhi had visited the FTII in Pune in July to express solidarity with the protesting students demanding removal of Gajendra Chauhan as chairman.The Congress Vice President's reference to "silence" was apparently to the Prime Minister's silence on the opposition demand for resignation of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje in the wake of the Lalit Modi controversy and that of Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan over the Vyapam scam.
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