Springing a surprise in Delhi, the BJP on Saturday nominated three recent entrants in the party — Maheish Girri, Manoj Tiwari and Udit Raj — for the Lok Sabha elections from East Delhi and Northwest Delhi constituencies. While party chief Harsh Vardhan is set to contest from Chandni Chowk, BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi was nominated from the New Delhi seat.
And with sitting MLAs Pravesh Verma and Ramesh Bidhuri nominated from West Delhi and South Delhi seats respectively, BJP has declared its candidates for all seven seats in the capital, where it hopes to wrest control from the Congress, which won all seven in 2009.
Sources in the BJP said sitting MLAs were given tickets to increase their chances of winning. The move may spell trouble for the party in Delhi, which may go to polls after President's rule is lifted, following Lok Sabha polls.
Delhi party chief Harsh Vardhan now completes the triangular battle for Chandni Chowk against Union Minister Kapil Sibal and the AAP's Ashutosh. In a seat where Muslims form a fair share of the electorate, the BJP hopes the minority vote will either spilt between the Congress and AAP or even help the BJP since Harsh Vardhan is considered acceptable over other BJP candidates.
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