A day after when a video surfaced in which the Aam Adami Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal accused a section of media of taking money to create "Modi wave", Mr.Kejriwal on Friday demanded a probe of the news channels "who took money from political parties for favorable coverage".
Addressing a rally at KP ground in Nagpur after his day long road show in the city, the former Chief Minister of Delhi reiterated his allegations and said that he was not scared of "the media too".
"Some news channels are now showing that Khejriwal threatened them. But it is the other way around. You threatened us. But we are not scared of the media" said the AAP chief.
Targeting the BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, Mr.Kejriwal alleged that the "claims of major development" of Gujarat state under Modi's rule were "hollow".
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