NewsX: Even as calls for justice for Durga Shakti Nagpal are growing, Samajwadi Party leader Narendra Bhati was caught boasting on camera saying he spoke to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and had Durga Nagpal suspended within 40 minutes. Bhati said he has also conducted a probe into the matter and will submit a report.
"We talked to Akhilesh Yadav. At 11 minutes past 11, SDM's suspension order was received at the collector's place. This is the power of democracy. That lady did such bad acts here so she couldn't stand for even 40 minutes. I've completed the investigation and the result will be out today," Bhati was caught boasting.
Reacting to his statement, SP leader Naresh Aggarwal said, "If Narendra Bhati has given a statement, it is not right." He, however, added that the issue should not be politicised.
"It is not always true that an IAS officer takes the right decision. Their decisions are at times guided by personal reasons. At times the decisions of IAS officers offend the common man and then politicians have to talk to the people," Aggarwal added.
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