Domestic politics has broken out over Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chief Yasin Malik's visit to Islamabad where he shared stage with the key conspirator of 26/11 attacks and Lashkar-e-Toiba chief Hafiz Saeed on Sunday in Islamabad at an event organised to protest parliament attack convict Afzal Guru's hanging. The Bharatiya Janata Party has demanded that Malik's passport be forfeited as punishment for having been part of an anti-India platform. "The whole country was angry when they saw Hafiz Saeed and Yasin Malik sharing a dais. It's an anti-India platform, why did India allow him to go? The government needs to come up with an action plan, they must forfeit his passport and take action against him and tell the nation," BJP leader Prakash Javadekar said.
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