It is going to be a star studded contest in Chandigarh as two Bollywood actors Kirron Kher and Gul Panag are set to contest from the seat. While Kher is the BJP's candidate, Gul Panag will fight on AAP's seat. Also in the fray is former railway minister Pawan Bansal.
Gul Panag made her foray into politics by joining the Aam Aadmi Party recently. After being formally allotted the Chandigarh seat she said , "I am here to stay in politics, problems facing this country are corruption and communism."
"I have joined AAP as it is a movement and mainstream parties have failed to deliver," the actress-turned-politician who is a native of Chandigarh, said.
Kirron Kher is Bharatiya Janata Party's candidate for the seat. This is first time that Kher would be contesting the elections after she joined the BJP in 2009.
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