New Delhi: A high-level team of officials of anti-terror agency NIA on Monday reached the deadly Naxal attack site in Chhattisgarh and began its probe to find out possible lapses on the part of the central forces or the state government.
Ahead of its arrival, Minister of State for Home RPN Singh told reporters, "Action will be taken if anyone is found guilty."
"We have asked the NIA to investigate the Maoist attack. Security lapses could have taken place. Any lapse on the part of central forces or the state government, buck will have to be stopped somewhere. We have to take action," he said.
Asked whether the mastermind of Saturday's attack on Congress workers has been identified, Singh said it was too early to say that and any conclusion could be reached only when the probe is completed.
The Centre has already deployed 30 battalion (approximately 30,000 personnel) in Chhattisgarh to help the state government carry out anti-Naxal operations.
Earlier, Union Home Secretary RK Singh said an official order formally handing over the case to NIA to carry out the investigation would be issued soon.
"We will issue the order of NIA probe. The NIA team will also go to Chhattisgarh today," he told reporters here.