Vidya Balan along with the entire cast of Begum Jaan has launched the much-anticipated trailer on Tuesday. While the first look of the flick has already won us over and needless to say has hit written over it, what was even more impressive was the camaraderie of the team as they hosted the launch. At the trailer launch Begum Vidya along with her Jaans Gauahar Khan, Pallavi Sharda, Ila Arun and Flora Saini among others. Donning a black ethnic outfit with a white embroidery, Vidya Balan looked gorgeous in a messy hairdo. Co-produced by Mukesh Bhatt, Vishesh Bhatt and Play Entertainment, the flick chronicles the fate, struggle and reluctance of Begum Jaan to desert a brothel, her 'home' as she calls it in the aftermath of partition. Begum Jaan is a Hindi adaptation of director Srijit Mukherji's Bengali film Rajkahini. It is scheduled to arrive in cinema houses on April 14. Watch what Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt has to say about censor board for Begum Jaan!
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