Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan received the prestigious fourth Yash Chopra Memorial Award from veteran actress Rekha in Mumbai on 25th February 2017. Shah Rukh Khan spoke to the media about his upcoming production with Sonakshi Sinha and Sidharth Malhotra. The film is titled Ittefaq and is being co-produced by Karan Johar. Ittefaq is the remake of the 1969 Yash Chopra-directed murder mystery. The original starred Rajesh Khanna and Nanda in lead roles, while the new version will see Sidharth and Sonakshi Sinha playing the lead characters. Talking to the media, Shah Rukh Khan said, 'I wanted to do the film. I really wanted to do it when I heard the script. But I was doing other films. So, I couldn't. But the team, which is doing right now, is great.' Check out what he had to say in this video.
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