The gorgeous Alia Bhatt celebrated Valentine's day with her rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra in the city. Alia Bhatt was spotted at Sidharth Malhotra's house in the city where the two celebrated Valentine day together with their mentor Karan Johar and some close friends. Recently when Alia Bhatt was present on Karan Johar's popular show Koffee With Karan along with her Badrinath Ki Dulhania co-star Varun Dhawan. Alia Bhatt indirectly confirmed her relationship status with Sidharth Malhotra. Interestingly, when Sidharth Malhotra was asked about Alia Bhatt, he didn't give a definite answer. Well, it seems like these two want to be in a relationship, without all the commitment hoopla. Must watch!
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