Kaivalya - Important way to attain Moksha | Kaivalya Avastha Moksha | Artha

Artha 2019-02-05

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Since ancient times, we are introduced to different modes that lead to Moksha. But, this one is the believed to be the ultimate way that leads to it. Such a salient route comes with its own deepest riddles which are beyond our understanding. So, watch today's video as we explain the complexity of Kaivalya - the ultimate goal of Raja yoga.

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1 Kaivalya or Kevalatva is the state of aloneness, that opposes to the condition of duality and attachment. The achiever of this state is named Kevalin.

2 The literal meaning of Kaivalya is 'being all alone’. This state can be accomplished by performing austerities, yoga practice and discipline.

3 This term is often mentioned in Yoga and Samkhya philosophy and is considered as the ultimate goal that represents solitude or isolation and detachment from the Sansara (material world).

4 The Samkhya schools of Hinduism preach that the person is bound (rather captivated) in the material world because of their karma and one can only be separated from this bondage through Kaivalya.

5 The 34 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali states that a Yogi who achieved Kaivalya is free from all bonds and gains the absolute state of consciousness.

6 As per Raja Yoga, Kaivalya is the final stage of enlightenment (freedom from the cycle of birth and death), through which the Yogi attains Moksha or Nirvana.

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