The last time a protest by taxi drivers was held in Nairobi, it was against the entry of Uber; but after having their day, it’s now the turn of Uber drivers and partners to take to the streets, over what they say are unreasonably low fares introduced recently.
“Uber must go!” a section of the hundreds of Uber drivers chanted before they were quickly cautioned by one of their association official.
“No, Uber should not go, we need it. We have the specific issues we want addressed,” he warned before another chorus was started, “Uber must shape up or ship out!”
Uber drivers who chose to continue with business were not spared by the protestors, who coerced them to join the demonstration in some instances leaving customers stranded.
The protest started along Ojijo road with a few police officers being deployed to ensure law and order prevailed and to avoid a traffic snarl up on the busy road.
On arrival at The Mirage where the Uber offices are located, there were no officials to listen to their grievances, a move that angered the protestors who are members of the Kenya Digital Taxi Association.
Here, the operators vented their frustrations over the recent move by the online taxi company to slash fares which they say is affecting their revenue base.