Synopsis for Ken'ichi Fujiwara's Iron Girl: Final Wars (Aian Gâru: Final Wars) from the international sales agent for the movie, CREi Inc. (K.K. Kurei): "In 20XX, Japan is full of Cyborgs. Human developed Artificial Intelligence JUDA to protect the Earth. Everything was moving smoothly until the JUDA started to attack humans. The reason of the attack was because humans were planning a nuclear war. JUDA considers that the nuclear war will destroy the Earth, and humans who plan on doing so is Earth's true enemy. The fight between Human and Cyborgs flattened Japan. Military company '4th Diamond' took advantage and started developing the 'Supermassive Destructive Weapon'. Right before this secret weapon was completed, the weapon was stolen from the terrorist organization 'Alqaloid'. If the weapon is completed, there would be a final war between the allied forces. Vigilante 'Resistance' sensed the danger and stood up. Meanwhile, some people were turned into a Murder Weapon after their death. Those cyborgs had lost all their memories. Chris (Kirara Asuka) was one of them... In order to get back her lost memory, she had to keep fighting. For revenge the fiercest Cyborg Diana (Saki Akai) tries to kill Chris. Resistance troop Joe (Takaya Aoyagi) struggles to save the two... One day Chris has a fateful meeting with mysterious girl Sara (Jun Amaki). Even before their actual meeting, they both had felt something for each other. However that mysterious girl Sara was the final weapon SARA..."