Top TomoNews stories of 2018

TomoNews US 2018-12-27

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THE INTERWEBS — The past year has been nothing short of insane, full of big news and truly eye-popping events.

So as 2018 comes to an end, what better way to reflect on the year that was than by looking back on all the crazy, stupid, disgusting, daring, and mind-boggling stories that broke the internet.

Kim Jong Un started off the year with a bang - literally- by accidentally blowing up his own city in January.

The love month wasn't great for one college student, after she flushed her hamster best friend down the crapper.

In March, news came out that we may have finally found Amelia Earhart, and come April, one pup reminded us that dogs are indeed man's best friend.

Sadly, not everyone is so lucky. In May, we were introduced to the unluckiest man in history, who looked like he'd been crushed by a giant rock while fleeing the Pompeii eruption back in the day.

June saw one woman living out everyone's worst nightmare- parasites crawling under your skin.

Speaking of nightmares, hearts pounded all around the world as a dozen boys went missing in a Thai cave. A month later in July, the brave, resilient boys were finally rescued, and we all heaved a collective sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the bravery spectrum, a 'cowardly' dude in China refused to face his fear of heights despite having a relationship, a new car, and some sweet cash on the line.

September got weird fast, thanks to the gross phenomenon that is black hairy tongue.

October didn't get any better, especially with Chinese tourists ruining some rare grass for the sake of a selfie.

The Chinese continue making headlines through November, as one woman tries to save money by binging on only instant noodles for three weeks. Newsflash: it doesn't end well.

December got even more insane and terrifying, with a plane engine cover falling off during takeoff. Can you imagine?

No doubt 2018 was cray. But 2019 is probably going to get even crazier. Brace yourselves.

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