Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal tied the knot in a lavish ceremony at Antilia in Mumbai. Isha Ambani wore a 16-panelled ghagra in 2 shades of off-white that features a trail. Each panel is hand embroidered. Mughal Jaalis and floral panels alternate in the finest zardozi, vasli, mukaish and nakshi work. Every flower or jaali is highlighted with Crystals and sequins. Red or vermilion the iconic bridal hue features in the zardozi borders, lending an auspiciousness to the ensemble.Adding a personal touch to this beautiful lehenga, Isha's dupatta belongs to her mother, Nita Ambani. For her wedding day, 35 years ago, Nita donned this red bandhini saree that Abu and Sandeep revamped with zardozi borders.