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Ketik : EBUBJ
Kirim SMS Ke: 1212
Title : Enough Baby Unang Cemburu Ho
Vocal : Masindo Voice
Personil :
1. Indra Ringgo
2. Maradu Limbong
3. Gunawan Sinurat
Composed by : Henry Manullang & Debora Pardosi
Music Arr : Henry Manullang
Guitar : Ade Putra Pasaribu
Seruling , Hasapi, Tulila : Azwin Harefa
Gondang : Sintong Pasaribu
Mixed & Mastered : Henry Manullang
Director : A.Hary M., SE.
Producer : Masindo Music
Contact Artis : WA - 0818301950
Web : http://masindomusic.com/
YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/siloganmasindo
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/masindo_music/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Masindotama/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MasindoMusic
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/3sS7yDPS9kiW3kPcSDMXuk
Itunes : https://itunes.apple.com/id/album/enough-baby-unang-cemburu-ho-single/1445654952?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Dezeer : https://www.deezer.com/us/album/80334752
and Availabel in 25 other audio stores
Lirics :
Enough Baby Unang Cemburu Ho
Keep you'r love...
Baby please unang ganggu ho...
Hammm...Burjukku do...
All of my love for you...
It is true...
Gok do na ro tu au...
But you have to know...
Tu ho do madabu holokki...
Lehon ma so much more rohami tu au...
I will take care of it...
Unang pola sangsi be ho...
I'am yours baby now and forever...
Now and forever...
Haol ma au da hasian...
It's Enough baby ...
Unang cemburu ho...
It's Enough... Nga sae be i..
Ito hasian ku...
Ho do nappuna au...
I have given all of my love...
Just for you....