The Smurf Experience is a story you feel, see and hear. The scenery is larger than life and will make you feel smaller and smaller until you reach the height of a Smurf, “three apples high”. As soon as you arrive in the village, you are welcomed by real Smurfs, presented as puppets and holograms. Your own transformation is complete once you taste Papa Smurf’s magic potion. But the wizard, Gargamel, is creating an evil machine that is threatening the magic world of the Smurfs. It’s time to go on an immersive adventure featuring breathtaking technologies and help the Smurfs bring peace and quiet back to their village!
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شكرًا على كل ما تقدمه من دعم. تقييم مقاطع الفيديو وترك التعليقات عليها دائمًا ما يحظى بتقديرنا!
تابع مغامرات السنافر، تلك الشخصيات المشاغبة زرقاء اللون التي تعيش في قرية مسالمة وتحاول أن تسبب المتاعب للشرير شرشبيل.