Hollywood actor Will Smith visited Rishikesh in Indian Himalayas and performed a Hindu puja to ward off ill-effects of Saturn.
Local astrologer Prateek Mishrapuri said there were certain goals Smith wanted to achieve in his life.
“A horoscope reading revealed that Saturn was coming in the way, so I recommended a special puja to nullify the ill effects of the planet,” he said.
Smith performed ‘rudra abhisheka,’ a ritual to propitiate Lord Shiva at a local temple with milk, honey, yogurt and sugar.
After the two-hour long puja, he went to the banks of river Ganga and prayed for another two hours performing ‘arati,’ a fire ritual.
Prateek said he was impressed with Smith’s overall horoscope. “His Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are all in excellent positions,” he added.
He was curious about his past life and his son’s future as well, said Mishrapuri.
Mishrapuri has been consulted by Hollywood stars like Nicole Kidman and Sylvester Stallone. “It was Kidman who referred Smith to me,” said Mishrapuri.
Stallone had sent his family members in 2015 to meet Mishrapuri and pray for his son Sage, who had passed away three years earlier.