Catching up with my boy but he seems to be getting faster. So blessed to spend quality time with him outdoors.We are always trying to spend as much time outdo

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Catching up with my boy but he seems to be getting faster. So blessed to spend quality time with him outdoors.

We are always trying to spend as much time outdoors as possible and connect with one another and nature. It’s not easy to find a way to entertain and engage kids in these kind of activities where they would run in circles, but I was lucky to come across a training ground where kids learn to ride bicycles. Stefan saw a little boy using this training ground to run in circles, and he liked it. So he joined and took me on the run with him. This little boy motivated my son and proved again that we can inspire each other with simple things. True blessing to be part of his journey of evolution and development. Things change rapidly with kids. I try to remind myself of that all the time. I can influence a positive or negative change in behavior and development of my child with the time I spend with him. Grateful to be a parent. Teacher and student with my child at the same time ☀️‍ #familytime #Care4Kids

Pokušavam da sustignem Stefana, ali izgleda da je on sve brži i brži. Presrećan sam što mogu da provedem vreme s njim napolju.

Stvarno se uvek trudimo da što više vremena provedemo zajedno na otvorenom, u prirodi. Uopšte nije lako angažovati i zabaviti decu napolju, ali imao sam sreće da naiđem na jedan poligon gde deca uče da voze bicikl. Stefan je video jednog dečaka kako trči po poligonu i to mu se baš svidelo, pa se i on priključio, a poveo je i mene sa sobom. Taj mali dečak je motivisao mog sina i po ko zna koji put dokazao da jedni druge možemo inspirisati jednostavnim stvarima. Osećam se stvarno blagoslovenim što mogu da provodim vreme sa Stefanom i da gledam kako raste. Deca se brzo menjaju, pokušavam sebe da podsećam na to što češće. Tokom vremena koje provodimo zajedno mogu pozitivno i negativno da utičem na to kako će se on razviti. Toliko sam zahvalan što sam roditelj. Učitelj i učenik sa svojim sinom u isto vreme. ☀️‍

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