Ami kontenti atu hatudu filmi badak ida ne’ebé maka ami prodúz antes Estratejia Inovasaun DFAT nian lansa iha fulan kotuk! Atór sira maka Embaixadór Austrália Peter Roberts ho parseiru sira hosi ami-nia programa dezenvolvimentu nian, hamutuk ho sira ami analiza oinsa uza maneira inovativu ba ami-nia servisu iha Timor-Leste. Aproveita filmi ida ne’e no bele haree informasaun kona-ba ami-nia Estratejia Inovasaun foun nian iha ne’e:
We are excited to show you a short film we made ahead of the launch of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Innovation Strategy! Starring Australian Ambassador Peter Roberts and partner from our development programs, we look at innovative approaches taken to our work in Timor-Leste. Enjoy the film and take a look at our new Innovation Strategy here: