Watch: New video of surgical strike emerges

Hindustan Times 2018-09-27

Views 8.8K

A new video of the surgical strikes has emerged. Indian Army struck terrorist launchpads at PoK in September 2016. The new video emerged on Thursday. Two days ahead of the second anniversary of the surgical strikes. The video appears to have images from cameras mounted on UAV. This is the second video of the Army’s massive operation in four months. The first video was released by the government in June this year.
On the intervening night of September 28-29, 2016, the Army had carried out surgical strikes on seven terror launchpads across the Line of Control (LoC) in PoK. It had then announced on September 29, 2016 that India had conducted surgical strikes on terror camps along the LoC using ground forces, inflicting “significant casualties” on terrorists.

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