Understanding the DUI penalties you may face is critical when you have been arrested on an OWI or DUI charge. Clients should be aware that a first offense OWI is considered a civil traffic violation punishable by license revocation. Fourth, fifth, or sixth offenses are felonies.
To learn more about Mishlove and Stuckert, Attorneys at Law , please visit
You may contact Mishlove and Stuckert, Attorneys at Law at:
Milwaukee Office
4425 N Port Washington Rd
Ste 110
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 332-3499
Oshkosh Office
125 Church Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901
(920) 230-2662
West Bend Office
333 W Paradise Dr
West Bend, WI 53095
(262) 247-8122
Waukesha Office
1535 E Racine Ave
Waukesha, WI 53187
(262) 336-8140