[ISSUE TALK] Inter-Korean Summit review: progress made?

Arirang News 2018-09-21

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새역사 쓴 평양회담, 앞으로 한반도는 - 송세련 교수 대담

To help us look back and assess this latest inter-Korean summit, we have with us Professor Song Se-ryun of Kyung Hee University. Thank you for coming on the show today.

Thank you.

1 - Professor Song, you were with us throughout the three days of the summit, and you were even with us when the newly signed Pyeongyang Joint Declaration was announced. Now that we've had a day or so to digest it, what is your overall assessment of this summit?

1a - What do you make of the declaration that was reached? Do you think President Moon will have been satisfied?

2 - The section about denuclearization has of course received the most focus. It says North Korea is willing to take more action towards denuclearization, but only if the U.S. takes corresponding measures. When President Moon was asked what this would look like, he simply said that is something that Pyeongyang and Washington have to sort out themselves. Are you satisfied with this answer?

2a - The U.S. has said it will reopen talks with North Korea. The summit can be considered a success in the fact that the two sides are talking again. But do you think North Korea has taken enough steps for the U.S. to give reciprocal measures?

3 - This is the first inter-Korean summit ever where the topic of denuclearization was included as an official item on the agenda. How much was this a sign of progress?

4 - Perhaps what was not included in the declaration is more important. President Moon has hinted that he has a message for President Trump from Kim Jong-un. Could it outline what Pyeongyang demands as corresponding measures?

5 - The U.S. state department spokesperson on Thursday said denuclearization has to come first. Do you really think the U.S. will stick to this hardline stance or do you think they are open to negotiation?

5a - She also added that having the U.S. and IAEA inspectors was a shared understanding with North Korea. Does this suggest that there have already been on-going talks? Or is this an assumption that the U.S. is making?

6 - President Moon will be making his way to New York on Sunday for the UN General Assembly. While he is there, he will of course be meeting with President Trump on the sidelines. What do you think could come out of that meeting? Perhaps an announcement on talks with North Korea or even progress towards a declaration to formally end the Korean War?

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