Daniel Pereira shares how Google will start giving you free website traffic. Get 2 free eBooks, free conference calls, and a free mini course when you visit our site and start getting even more free Google traffic! One of the free eBooks that Daniel has written is called, “How to Reverse the Google Slap for Free Google Traffic.” This is the first thing that you can pick up for free, just by visiting our site…. And the good news is: Even though Google makes billions of dollars selling advertising, they also allow many ways for you to get free advertising. The trick is that most people have no idea how to get advertising for free on Google. What people need to discover is that if you create content that is relevant, then Google is going to rank that content very high. We are talking about the first ranking for Google searches much of the time. It makes me feel really great when I have the #1 search rank for Google and other search engines, and then you see the ads to the side for people that only wish that they had your first place ranking. Start getting free Google traffic today!