Stomach-churning moment small snake regurgitates giant frog

Newsflare 2018-08-21

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This is the moment a small snake throws up a huge frog nearly one-third of its size.

The small snake, a green keelback, managed to hunt and swallow a giant India bullfrog frog.

But it was not able to enjoy its meal for long.

The two-year-old year and one-and-a-half feet snake was spotted by a farmer in his backyard at a village in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Thinking that the snake was venomous the terrified farmer called a snake rescuer, Akash Jadhav, to catch the reptile.

When Jadhav reached the spot he saw that the snake had a huge bulge in its belly and was unable to move.

The snake then started to regurgitate its prey and as astonished villagers watched a huge six-inch long frog came out of its mouth.

Jadhav identified the snake as a green keelback and told the villagers that it was not venomous at all.

“Snakes turn sluggish after feeding. If they feel threatened, they throw up their meal to escape quickly,” said Jadhav.

He put the snake in a bag and released it later in a nearby forest.

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