ALDE Seminar on urban transport

Alde ALDEADLE 2008-09-16

Views 74

Video summary of the Joint ALDE Seminar with CoR on "Competences on urban transport: who does what?"

Event date: 09/01/08 15:00 to 18:30
Location: Room ASP A3G3, European Parliament, Brussels

80% of the European citizens are estimated living in urban areas. Cities must then comply with their mobility needs and develop an offer within their competences. The European Union brings indeed an added-value with regards to exchange of best practices, impact assessment studies etc.

The European Commission Green Paper "Towards a new culture for urban mobility" published in September 2007 is the first step towards the adoption of an Action programme in this field that will also identify the responsibilities of the various actors.

In the framework of the subsidiarity, it is essential to know who does what for urban transport so as to maximise the efficiency and coherence of the policies. We do not ask for money or more competence but a clarification on European, national, regional and local authorities' competences.

This ALDE seminar will bring together stakeholders of urban transport in Europe to share experiences and find the balance in distribution of competences. .

MEP's Concerned:
Jean-Marie Beaupuy, Alfonso Andria, Paolo Costa

For more information:
Spanneut Ophélie - Tel: +32 2 284 35 92

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