Saudi Arabia threatens Canada with 9/11-style attack

TomoNews US 2018-08-15

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RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — The Saudis and the Canadians are in the middle of a strange diplomatic dispute — all of which was set off by a single tweet.

The BBC reports that months after women in Saudi Arabia were finally allowed to drive, several female rights activists were arrested on unclear grounds.

Canada's foreign ministry expressed alarm over the arrests and said as much in a tweet, while also calling on the kingdom to release the activists.

That apparently ticked Saudi Arabia off, so much so they kicked out the Canadian ambassador, stopped all flights to Toronto, and cut off all new trade.

Days later, a Saudi-affiliated account tweeted out a graphic of a 9/11-esque scenario showing an Air Canada plane heading toward the CN tower, with a thinly veiled threat to stop meddling. Yikes.

Both sides are standing their ground for now. Top moose Trudeau chimed in to the spat by reiterating Canada's commitment to human rights. Yeah, maybe don't sell arms to human rights violators, then?

Can't have it both ways, Justin. World don't work that way.

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