Sure I like the smaller scenes better.. than working a big club or gaslamp.. Front line promotion is the best . Its kinda Funny 3 tijuana promoters need to team up and they still cant pull bitches.. even with radio ads.. BULLSHIT promoters who are really puppets . like i respect the crews more grinding all over sd and cali trying to put together an event. Thats why the cops dont fuck with crews.. because they are a certian group of young people in San Diego that are very important .. I see these groups as the most at risk... like other people throw parties because they want money.. BBH is actually apart of San Diego. were everywhere. just real local San Diego Latino's that hold certian spots in every scene..
I'm slanging again. yha i know. bad bad jim .. but like.. i just needed some money to buy some clothes. with my admin to justice class i really see the bullshit they teach in school and the real world.. like laws and shit.. i'm making that judgement now myself. for alot of the city . like i kinda wish people saw everything the way I see it. Like you worry about cops and stupid stuff . you worry about money and other things maybe because you think that will make your happy.. naa man. I"M happy in San Diego streets.. Like I found out North County is the New chula. the way chula was. and I found out that San Diego is Just a bubble that is gonna boom eventually.. sd has soo much to offer. soo many good people.