刁蛮俏御医 03丨The Imperial Physician 03 (multi-language subtitle| 主演:张娜拉,TAE,高昊,何赛飞,李菁菁,郭珍霓)

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朱历硬着头皮陪表妹放风筝。云莺对朱历示好,朱历多次想要逃跑不成,于是扯断风筝线,飞到太医院围墙边的树上!嘿嘿、风筝没了,这下可解脱了。但没想到云莺仗着太后撑腰、硬是要皇上上去捡风筝。 朱历想要救出哲三天心,却无法违抗太后命令,前来道别。哲三为救天心,私下向朱历坦白他飞贼的身份。
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.

Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub

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