沐浴在智慧法語裡 - 智慧法音 Shower of Blessings

PBC Music 2018-07-19

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2009年十月,印度八蚌智慧林舉行大手印傳授及禪修閉關期間,由尊貴的 第十二世廣定大司徒巴親自指導,現場包括詠給明就仁波切、貢噶仁波切、賈敦仁波切、慈囊仁波切及蘇曼竹巴仁波切等八蚌智慧林的傳承上師領眾唱誦;這張專輯可以說是集合八蚌智慧林一切上師之心意精華。



智慧法音Shower of Blessings
演唱者 :第十二世廣定大司徒巴 / Shower of Blessings
音樂類型:極珍貴法音 / The most precious chants
出版發行:原動力文化 / PBC Music

This collection includes CD & DVD. The chanting was recorded live in the Palpung Sherab Ling during Mahamudra teachings and meditation retreats. All Rinpoches and monastic sangha at Palpung Sherab Ling led by Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa chanted together. It feels like a wisdom shower, full of strong blessing power from the lineage. It is a sacred video recording both the voice and the scene. You can never miss it!

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