A True Glass Panel Display For GA's Most Popular Helo! It is, undoubtedly, the world's most popular civil piston helicopter... but the R44 has never sported something that seems all the rage these days... and for a number of reasons. Yup; the R44 is bereft of a glass panel cockpit. For the moment, Heli-Boss Frank Robinson is sticking with steam gauges... which leaves a forward-thinking helo pilot with just one way to get the panel of their dreams... retrofit. Enter Sagem Avionics, a major international avionics behemoth... and their recent unveiling of a $65K Glass Panel retrofit package that not only fits well into the conventional R44 cockpit layout -- but shaves some 10 pounds off in the process. The Sagem panel is an imposing creation... sporting an 8" Primary Flight Display PFD, an 8" Multifunction display MFD, Engine Monitor Module EMM, Attitude Heading Reference system (AHRS), Tach Gen Interface Unit TGI, Temperature Senor Interface unit TSIU, Air Data Controller, and an OAT Sensor. The 40 hour installation results in an all new panel/pedestal unit and can be installed no matter which variation you have had in the machine you are retrofitting. The entire Glass Panel/pedestal system is modified by disconnecting the old one by removing it the hinge, and replacing with the updated console. The Sagem Integrated Cockpit Display System (ICDS) utilizes two large screen 8” LCD displays in portrait orientation, one for Primary Flight Display (PFD) and one Multi Function Display (MFD). The MFD can display various layouts and can quickly be switched to a large format moving map with terrain and traffic awareness TCAD or Cameras – both regular NTSC and FLIR to the default composite screen which features half engine monitoring and half moving map. Sagem has now completed several installations of the R44 glass panel system with excellent results and anticipates a strong market once they can prove themselves in the field. See Sagem's Glass Panel R44 Retrofit With Aero-TV! FMI: ...