5 Tips To Help You Fall Back Asleep, Courtesy Of Science Do you find yourself
often waking up in the
middle of the night? These 5 scientific tips will
help you to get back to sleep 1. Ditch the cellphone It's tempting to scroll
through your phone when
you can't sleep, but that blue light
messes with your brain, keeping it active. 2. Don't look at the clock. It's just going to stress you out
about falling back asleep,
which will keep you up longer. 3. Don't be afraid to get up. Getting out of bed and doing something to distract from the fact that you can't sleep will put your brain at ease, allowing your circadian
rhythm to kick back in. 4. Practice
breathing exercises. This will induce relaxation,
which is key to slumber. 5. Focus on what
you find to be relaxing. This technique is recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. Envision relaxation, and you will have it.