8 Words And Phrases To Never Put On Your Resume Your resume is what gets
your foot in the door so that
you can blow it wide open. Don't brazenly include these
8 words and phrases. 1. 'Results-Driven' Instead, tell your prospective employer of the results you've already achieved! 2. 'Responsible For' Get straight to the point.
Use active verbs to illustrate
your accomplishments. 3. 'References Available
By Request' They're going to want references. Just provide
them from the get-go. 4. 'Ambitious' This can imply that you're always looking for the next best thing and won't be satisfied with the job you're applying for. 5. 'Microsoft Office Suite' Yes, you and everyone else on the
planet knows how to use this.
It's not worth bragging about. The moral of the story is to ditch the "buzzwords", stop being so generic and display your accomplishments.
You might just land your dream job!