Mexico and California Beaches - 'McGaffin 7EVEN' Triumph Tour (Mexico is Spanish for Freedom!)

Timothy McGaffin II 2018-06-22

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(Watch in HD) Get a $40 travel credit from us here: Travel Tip: Rent a beach house for up to 95% less than the cost of hotels. | This video is a collage of our multiple trips to the beaches of Southern California and Mexico including Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Seal Beach, Sunset Beach, Newport Beach, the beaches of Tijuana, Mexico, and public and private beaches of Ensenada, Mexico.

Cheri McGaffin
Timothy McGaffin II

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Find Cheri and Tim and the McGaffin 7EVEN on Facebook here:

Instead of staying in expensive hotels, we rented entire houses for less cost. And we saved money on food since we were able to use the kitchen to prepare meals instead of going out to eat. You can rent affordable homes or apartments for less at airbnb here:

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