Krushna Abhishek is no stranger when it comes to showbiz. The actor has many Bollywood and Bhojpuri films under his belt. Now, he will be seen in a lead role in Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle whose trailer came out recently. The trailer shows a movie with plenty of characters and confusion. It shows Krushna as the lead of a film, Rajneish Duggal as the film’s director, Mukul Dev as a dreaded gangster and Nazia Hussain as the film’s heroine. All three try their best to woo the lady resulting in some truly hilarious looking situations. With plenty of double entendres and slapstick humour, the film’s trailer packages it as a no holds barred entertainer. Directed by Viinod Tiwarri is all set to release on 13th July 2018.