Jackie Stokes, 65, spent £9,500 on getting implants fitted in Hungary after her NHS dentist of 30 years went private and she could not afford the fees. But the procedures went catastrophically wrong, resulting in crippling pain, blisters, stitches falling out and the implants shifting. Mrs Stokes said: ‘It’s left me feeling as if I have been butchered, physically assaulted and robbed of my life savings.’ Dr Zsolt Csillag, working at the Forest and Ray Medical Care Group in London, had advised Mrs Stokes to have three procedures in the capital and two in Budapest. While in Budapest in 2012, she had implants in her upper jaw and crowns on eight teeth in her lower jaw. The following year she returned to Hungary, but was left with a ‘bulldog bite’ – a gap between her gums and upper teeth through which food would seep, and the implants then failed and were removed.