Kendrick Lamar calls out white fan for dropping N-word on stage

TomoNews US 2018-05-23

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GULF SHORES, ALABAMA — In this day and age, you'd think white people would know better than to drop the N-word in public, but one Kendrick Lamar fan clearly didn't get the memo.

People reports that the cringeworthy moment went down at Alabama's Hangout Festival on Sunday. K-dot had invited a couple of fans to rap "M.A.A.D City" with him — one dude who messed up, and another who totally killed it.

A white female fan named Delaney then came up, but bombed pretty damn hard when she blurted out the N-word three times. Onstage. In front of 30,000 people.

Lamar had to cut the music to ask her to bleep the word. She initially asked 'bro' if she wasn't cool enough, but apologized and begged to stay after clueing in to her slip up.

Despite the audience uproar, Delaney got a second chance. But not being allowed to say the N-word was apparently too much, because she promptly screwed up the song and got booed off the stage anyway.

Twitter was of two minds about the slip, with one camp fully understanding the wrong in blurting out a racial slur.

The others though, just don't get it, saying it's in the lyrics.

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